Saturday, February 25, 2012

openxml/'for xml' image data problem

I'm having problems with image fields when trying to insert XML into a table
using 'for xml' and openxml.
The code below demonstrates my problem. I have a table, tblAttachment that
contains a field named 'file' that contains image data.
prsXML is a simple proc that takes an xml document, extracts rows using
openxml and updates the row.
create proc dbo.prsXML2 @.XMLDoc text as begin
declare @.iDoc int
EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @.idoc OUTPUT, @.XMLDoc
select * into #tblAttachment
from openxml (@.idoc, '/NewDataSet/tblAttachment', 2) with tblAttachment
update tblAttachment set [ID] = t.[ID], [FileName] = t.[FileName],
[File] = t.[File]
from #tblAttachment t inner join tblAttachment f on f.ID = t.ID
drop table #tblAttachment
exec sp_xml_removedocument @.idoc
If I call prsXML passing it a simple xml document as shown below it updates
the row in the database.
prsXML '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
However, when I then select this updated row using:
select [file] from tblAttachment where ID =
for xml auto, elements, binary base64
it returns:
The element <File>QUJDREVGRw==</File>
does not match the element: <file>UQBVAEoARABSAEUAVgBHAFIAdwA9AD0A</file>
returned by the last query.
It appears that encoding/decoding is messing up the image data. What is
going on and how can I fix it?
Thanks for your help.
The issue is that FOR XML binary base64 does encode the content of your
image column using base64 encoding, but the OpenXML with clause does not
perform a decoding (let's say it is a design quirk :-)).
So you have the following workarounds:
1. Extract the encoded image and run a base64-decoder on it before doing the
insertion. The algorithm is well-described in the literature and can be
implemented using T-SQL or an extended stored proc.
2. You are waiting for SQL Server 2005, where the nodes() method will
provide you automatic decoding in the same scenario.
Sorry and best regards
"jamccormick" <> wrote in message
> I'm having problems with image fields when trying to insert XML into a
> table
> using 'for xml' and openxml.
> The code below demonstrates my problem. I have a table, tblAttachment
> that
> contains a field named 'file' that contains image data.
> prsXML is a simple proc that takes an xml document, extracts rows using
> openxml and updates the row.
> --prsXML
> create proc dbo.prsXML2 @.XMLDoc text as begin
> declare @.iDoc int
> EXEC sp_xml_preparedocument @.idoc OUTPUT, @.XMLDoc
> select * into #tblAttachment
> from openxml (@.idoc, '/NewDataSet/tblAttachment', 2) with tblAttachment
> update tblAttachment set [ID] = t.[ID], [FileName] = t.[FileName],
> [File] = t.[File]
> from #tblAttachment t inner join tblAttachment f on f.ID = t.ID
> drop table #tblAttachment
> exec sp_xml_removedocument @.idoc
> end
> If I call prsXML passing it a simple xml document as shown below it
> updates
> the row in the database.
> prsXML '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
> <NewDataSet>
> <tblAttachment>
> <ID>49AA5490-DD38-4A7D-87E7-0525E07930AF</ID>
> <FileName>test.jpg</FileName>
> <File>QUJDREVGRw==</File>
> </tblAttachment>
> </NewDataSet>'
> However, when I then select this updated row using:
> select [file] from tblAttachment where ID =
> '49AA5490-DD38-4A7D-87E7-0525E07930AF'
> for xml auto, elements, binary base64
> it returns:
> <tblAttachment>
> </tblAttachment>
> The element <File>QUJDREVGRw==</File>
> does not match the element: <file>UQBVAEoARABSAEUAVgBHAFIAdwA9AD0A</file>
> returned by the last query.
> It appears that encoding/decoding is messing up the image data. What is
> going on and how can I fix it?
> Thanks for your help.
> --
> Jay

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