Saturday, February 25, 2012

Operand type clash: datetime is incompatible with text

I am getting this error on my insert statement, do I need to do something
for my datetime fields?
Here is the statement
INSERT INTO tblCalendar (
adjName, DispDueDate, ClaimNumber, Juris, HearingDate, HearingType,
ClaimantName, Location, HearingTime, HearingPart, WCB#, Counsel,
@.Adjuster, @.newDispositionDueDate, @.ClaimNumber, @.Juris, @.newHearingDate,
@.HearingType, @.ClaimantName, @.HearingLocation, @.newHearingTime,
@.HearingPartRoom, @.WCBClaimNumber, @.AssignedCounsel, @.newNoticeReceived)You might want to check the datatypes of each column in tblCalendar table
and make sure they are compatible with the variables in the VALUES() clause.
If you have difficulty, post the exact CREATE TABLE statements and the
declared types and assigned values for each variables in the INSERT

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